Opening hours
Monday – Thursday from 06:00 – 22:30 Friday from 06:00 – 20:30 Saturday from 07:30 – 17:00 Sunday from 08:00 – 16:00
Parking is in the basement of the building.
Access to the parking garage from Sturlugata onto Torfhildargata, between Grósku and Íslenskrar Erfðagreiningar.
More information about autopay
Information about parking inside and by Gróska
Contact us
Opening hours
Mon-Thu: 06:00 AM - 10:30 PM
Fri: 06:00 AM - 8:30 PM
Sat: 07:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Sun: 08:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Reception is open
8.30 AM - 2.30 PM
Product Offering
About Gróska
Contact us
Opening hours
Car parking
Gróska innovation and business growth center offers flexible workspace solutions for companies and individuals.
Gróska innovation and business growth center offers flexible workspace solutions for companies and individuals.
Gróska innovation and business growth center offers flexible workspace solutions for companies and individuals.
Gróska offers flexible solutions for businesses and individuals. In Gróska, there are powerful companies of all sizes. Collaboration with universities in the area of technology development, research, and innovation is also encouraged.
Gróska offers flexible solutions for businesses and individuals. In Gróska, there are powerful companies of all sizes. Collaboration with universities in the area of technology development, research, and innovation is also encouraged.
Gróska offers flexible solutions for businesses and individuals. In Gróska, there are powerful companies of all sizes. Collaboration with universities in the area of technology development, research, and innovation is also encouraged.

A strong community exists in Gróska. The primary focus is on developing conditions for communication and relationships, whether it is within the house or the academic community of the university campus. By creating an environment where ideas become reality, Gróska cultivates a richly human life and culture.
A strong community exists in Gróska. The primary focus is on developing conditions for communication and relationships, whether it is within the house or the academic community of the university campus. By creating an environment where ideas become reality, Gróska cultivates a richly human life and culture.
A strong community exists in Gróska. The primary focus is on developing conditions for communication and relationships, whether it is within the house or the academic community of the university campus. By creating an environment where ideas become reality, Gróska cultivates a richly human life and culture.