Gróska privacy policy

Gróska privacy policy

Gróska privacy policy

We care about your privacy and the safety of the personal data we process or handle. This privacy policy informs you of our privacy measures relating our communication with you online, over the phone, and when you visit Gróska at Bjargargata 1, where we have installed security cameras to ensure your safety.

Pleace read the privacy policy carefully and check this page regularly to familiarize yourself with possible changes that have been made. (We might make changes to this privacy policy at any time and will inform about the changes by posting the amended terms on this website. All updated terms automatically become valid from the date designated in the published privacy policy, unless otherwise specified.)

Websites covered by this privacy policy

The privacy policy is valid for all webites and domains in our possession. The websites may, as the case may be, include links to third party websites for the convenience of users, and for informational purposes. By clicking on these links you will leave our website. We do not control third party websites or their privacy measures, who might differ from the ones we use. This privacy policy does not cover any personal information you choose to provide to other, unrelated third parties. We can neither monitor nor control the information collected on such websites, nor the privacy mesasures of any third party, and we are not responsible for their procedures or the contents of their websites.

Types of information we collect and use

For the purposes of this policy, the terms "personal information" and "personal data" refer to information pertaining to an individual which can be used to identify said individual and are subject to Icelandic privacy legislation.

The websites collect, or may collect, information by different means and for different purposes described below. If you opt to register to one of our websites to receive updates from us, manage your account and/or use our self-service gateway, you will be asked to provide contact information (name, address, phone number, unique user name and password). We will use this information to enforce our legitimate interests, provide the service and/or to contact you regarding the service you have shown interest in on our website.

The websites automatically collects technical information (such as the type of browser you use, internet service provided, type of platform, IP addresses, referring/closing sites, operating system, date/time stamp). We collect his information for reporting on the websites, to analyze development and issues relating to our servers, and to manage the websites, track users' processes and use, as well as to gather extensive demographic information. Further information can be found in "Cookies and other digital signals" below.

You can also choose to provide demographic information (such as no the type, size and location of a company, etc.). We use this demographic information to better assess your needs and interests in order to provide a personalized and enhanced experience on our websites. Our group of companies uses the information to process your orders, enable you to participate in promotional offers (in accordance with your marketing preferences) and to provide you with services.

Security cameras have been installed in Gróska, and your image might appear in the footage in our security camera system.

How we process collected information

On our websites you can order products and services, request information or subscribe to marketing material or support material. We will request that you provide us with certain information to enable you to purchase products or services from us, and the information will be used to fulfill our agreement with you. You will need to provide contact information (such as name, email adress and shipping address) as well as credit card information (such as credit card number, billing address and expiry date). The payment information you provide is only used to collect your payment for the products and services you purchase.

If you provide us with your credit card information, it will only be used to process payments and to prevent fraud. Credit card information and similar sensitive personal data are not used for any other purposes within the group of companies without our specific consent. We do not store your credit card information after the payment has been processed, unless you have given us permission to store the credit card information for future purchases.

We might have to share information with third parties to comply with relevant laws, for example to provide information following a court order, summons or authorisation. Furthermore, we might, in accordance with relevant laws, provide information voluntarily to aid law enforcement authorites for investigative purposes, or when it is needed to safeguard our real estate, systems, company or the rights of other people.

We might also use your contact information to send you information regarding other products and services provided by the group of companies, such as information on meeting rooms, remote offices, temporary offices, offices, communal work areas and membership, provided that you have consented to such communications in line with applicable laws. If you do not wish to receive such regular notifications including promotional material, you can contact us and ask for your preferences to be updated (see "Options and opting out" below).

Electronic communication

After signing up you will receive an email from us containing your username and password. We will also answer any questions you might have, provide the services you request and manage your account. We will contact you via email or by phone and endeavor to respect your preferences.

We will also send you information on new products, services, special offers, promotions and general information, in accordance with your marketing preferences. If you do not wish to receive such information you can opt-out of receiveing further email communications (see "Options and opting out" below).

If you choose to subscribe to our newsletters, we will use your name and email address to deliver them to you. You can subscribe to the newsletters on our registration page, and you can unsubscribe at any time (see "Options and opting out" below). We will send you notifications regarding the service as needed, but such notifications are not considered marketing/promotional material. You can deactivate your account on our website if you do not wish to receive these notifications.

Please note that we will not share your email address with our partners. However, we might send promotional offers on behalf of our partners - see "Types of information we collect and use" above. You can opt-out of receiving offers via email as described below.

Cookies and other digital signals

We use cookies and other digital signals to automatically collect information. Cookies and digital signals are small files that can be saved on your computer's hard drive and embedded on our websites. They enable us to identify you and track your visits to the website. For example, we use cookies during the checkout process when you book an office space to be able to track the order through every step of the booking. We might use a third party service provider to collect and process personal data through cookies and other digital signals on our behalf. You can disable cookies in your computer preferences or your browser's menu. If you choose to disable cookies, your access to certain parts of the website might be cancelled.

Options and opting out

In addition to our products and services, you have the option to receive various other information. You can subscribe to material providing information about a specific product or services and marketing material covering the entire group of companies. This material might include information regarding new products, special offers or participation in marketing research. If you no longer choose to receive newsletters and/or promotional material from us you can opt-out by following the directions included in all newsletters or communications, for example by contacting us at

Safety of your information

We can neither ensure nor guarantee the safety of our servers, nor ensure that other parties will not gain access to the internet-based information you provide on the website. We follow general and accepted technology standards for the industry to safeguard the personal data we receive, both during their transfer and after we have received them. When you enter sensitive information (such as credit card information) in our registration or order forms, the information is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. When processing personal data for marketing purposes or in accordance with your consent, the data will be processed until you request the processing to be discontinued, and for a short time following such a request (to enable us to fulfill the request). We also register information about your request to not receive direct marketing material, or that we will not process your personal data indefinitely to be able to honor your request in the future. In cases where processing of personal data relates to agreements or services, or due to competition, the information will be stored for 6 years (apart from the payment information, which will be stored for 10 years) following our last communication. We store recordings of phone calls and from security cameras for a relatively short time, pursuant to our internal compliance procedures which are amended from time to time.

Organizational changes

In the event of changes in the organization, such as a merger, takeover by another organization, or if the organization or part of its assets are sold, your personal data will most likely be part of the assets transferred to another party.

Terms and conditions

If you choose to visit our website, your visit and all privacy disputes are covered by this privacy policy and our terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, the transfer of liability, liability limitations or arbitration. If you have any questions regarding the use of your personal information, please send them via email to

Opening hours

Monday – Thursday from 06:00 – 22:30 Friday from 06:00 – 20:30 Saturday from 07:30 – 17:00 Sunday from 08:00 – 16:00


© Gróska ehf | 680515-1580

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