Diverse range of innovative enterprises

Diverse range of innovative enterprises

Diverse range of innovative enterprises

The Gróska startup center is home to a community dedicated to strengthening Icelandic innovation by providing facilites and connecting startups in different fields in one place.

We are happy to report that Startup SuperNova has acquired permanent facilities in Gróska

The Gróska startup center is home to a community dedicated to strengthening Icelandic innovation by providing facilites and connecting startups in different fields in one place.

Why Gróska?

Why Gróska?

Why Gróska?

Gróska is more of a community than a place, and there you will find an energetic ecosystem of entrepreneurs and professionals facing innovation challenges in all aspects of value creation.

Gróska is more of a community than a place, and there you will find an energetic ecosystem of entrepreneurs and professionals facing innovation challenges in all aspects of value creation.

Gróska is more of a community than a place, and there you will find an energetic ecosystem of entrepreneurs and professionals facing innovation challenges in all aspects of value creation.

Gróska leigir vinnuaðstöðu fyrir einstaklinga, lítil og meðalstór fyrirtæki af öllum stærðum og gerðum. Mikill sveigjanleiki í boði svo auðvelt sé að stækka eða minnka við sig rými eftir því sem aðstæður krefjast.

Gróska leigir vinnuaðstöðu fyrir einstaklinga, lítil og meðalstór fyrirtæki af öllum stærðum og gerðum. Mikill sveigjanleiki í boði svo auðvelt sé að stækka eða minnka við sig rými eftir því sem aðstæður krefjast.



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About Gróska

Opening hours

Monday – Thursday from 06:00 – 22:30 Friday from 06:00 – 20:30 Saturday from 07:30 – 17:00 Sunday from 08:00 – 16:00


© Gróska ehf | 680515-1580

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© Gróska ehf | 680515-1580

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